Report to:


Governance Committee



27 June 2023



Assistant Chief Executive

Title of report:


Appointments to Committees:  Standards Committee and Planning Committee


Purpose of report:


To consider nominations to fill the vacancies on the Standards Committee and the Planning Committee and role of vice chair of the Planning Committee




The Governance Committee is recommended to recommend the County Council to:

1)    appoint a Member to:

       (a) the Standards Committee

(b) the Planning Committee; and

       (c) Vice-Chair of the Planning Committee.



1.            Appointment to Committees


1.1         In May 2023 the County Council agreed the allocation to political and independent groups places on and membership of committees and panels. 


1.2         Councillor Barry Taylor was appointed to places allocated to the Conservatives on the Planning Committee and Standards Committee, and was also appointed to be the Vice Chair of the Planning Committee.


1.3         Following the sad news of Councillor Taylor’s death, it is necessary to appoint to the vacant seats on the those Committees in accordance with the wishes of the political group to which they have been allocated.  


1.4         Separate from this the committee is also asked to agree its recommendation to the County Council for the role of Vice Chair on the Planning Committee.


2          Conclusion


2.1       The Governance Committee is asked to recommend to Council to appoint to the vacant seats on the Planning and Standards Committees and the Vice Chair of Planning Committee.



Assistant Chief Executive



Contact Officer: Stuart McKeown      Tel:  01273 481583


Local Member:  All


Background Documents: None